Ultimate Wrestling Q&A: Steve Mongo McMichael, Booker T, FTR & More

Tossing Salt Presents:
Ultimate Wrestling Q&A
Steve Mongo McMichael, Booker T, FTR & More
Doug Maynard

It’s the Ultimate Wrestling Q&A. I’m Doug and this is where I provide answers to all of your wrestling-related questions. And let us begin. Are you ready? Let’s roll.

Cody just said there will be a 25-man battle royal next week to determine Trick’s next challenger. He said some of them may be from a completely different locker room. Holy shit! Thoughts?

Twenty-five guys are a lot of wrestlers. I’m taking it to mean we’ll see stars from NXT, the main roster of WWE, TNA, and possibly even Pro Wrestling NOAH if the rumors currently making the rounds are true. It should make for an interesting and exciting show.

Hulk Hogan or John Cena?

Without Hulk Hogan, there never would have been a John Cena. That’s the truth. But if I had to choose one of these guys for my company, who I would be more likely to bet the bank on, etc., I’d have to go with Cena.

The Pro Football Hall of Fame will present Steve McMichael with the honor at his home. Thoughts?

That is very cool. I’m glad that Mongo is still alive to appreciate the honor and enjoy it. It’s an honor well deserved and the Pro Football Hall of Fame is going out of its way to make the best of it for the former Horseman. Good for them, and congratulations to Mongo.

Cody Rhodes, Shawn Spears, Ethan Page & Lexis King (Brian Pillman Jr) versus The New Elite (The Young Bucks, Jack Perry & Kazuchika Okada). Who wins?

The AEW Exiles would whoop that ass. Cody and the NXT Crew would come out on top and take that trip to the pay window.

Booker T recently revealed that his WWE contract is coming up soon. So do you think Booker will stay with WWE or move on?

I don’t think Booker is going anywhere. He has eyes and knows he has it made in WWE. Booker will negotiate for a small raise and stay right where he currently is, as part of WWE.

Is NXT becoming a must-see TV with the addition of TNA surprises? Yes or no?

Must-see is a nice way to describe it and yes, it is. It’s getting better every week and the TNA surprises don’t hurt.

Dax Harwood of FTR recently announced that back injuries will keep him out of the ring for a while. Thoughts?

This sucks for Dax, but it’s part of the business and happens sometimes. Best wishes to Dax for a full, speedy, and hopefully painless recovery. We look forward to your return and continued success.

Should Cash Wheeler wait for his partner to return or should he start wrestling singles matches until Dax can return?

While I can understand if Wheeler does take a match here and there while waiting for his partner to return, I would suggest taking the time off and enjoying the break. So long as the paychecks keep coming in on time, take advantage and make the best of it.

You get to party with one of these men in their prime. Who would you choose? Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Steve Austin, Ric Flair, The Undertaker, or Bret Hart?

None of these parties appeals much to me these days, but back in my prime, that would be another story. I guess I’ll go out bar-hopping with Steve Austin. He reminds me the most of the crew I once partied with.

Men at Work (Chris Kanyon & Mark Starr) & High Voltage (Chaos & Rage) versus Alpha Academy (Otis & Akira Tozawa) & Deuce ‘n Domino. Who wins?

This would be an amazing match with eight very underrated and talented guys. The WWE dudes would win since they all had strong runs and championship titles in their careers, but the WCW Job Squad would still make it a fight and a competitive match.

And there you go. My thanks for reading. Comments, thoughts, and any questions are welcome and appreciated. Be sure to like, share, and subscribe. And with that, take care, my friends. Watch out for foreign objects and I’ll see you at the matches.



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