Ultimate Wrestling Q&A: Tables, Titles, The Nature Boy & More

Tossing Salt Presents:
Ultimate Wrestling Q&A
Tables, Titles, The Nature Boy & More
Doug Maynard

It’s the Ultimate Wrestling Q&A. I’m Doug. Let’s roll.

Do people think that folks like Ricky Starks and Wardlow should’ve been AEW World Champion or some shit?

Some people feel Wardlow was on his way to the AEW Championship at one point, but AEW dropped the ball. Ricky Starks was a rising star, but again AEW dropped the ball. I don’t think anyone believes these two men are ready to main-event the Wembley show yet, but AEW didn’t use them as well as they should have. That’s the truth.

Allegedly, there was once talk in WWE about putting Captain Lou Albano with the Nasty Boys. Thoughts?

Bruce Prichard spoke of this on his podcast about how Captain Lou would keep showing up and making suggestions and yes, The Nasty Boys was one of the suggestions. WWE said no. This would have been an interesting combination and would have, in my opinion, worked. But WWE and Vince McMahon said no and it never happened. Too bad!

The Death Match King, Matt Cardona, versus WWE King of the Ring Gunther. Who wins?

I’m a big fan of Cardona, but this one would have to go with the Ring General, Gunther.

MJF is back in AEW. Thoughts?

It’s good to see Max back in AEW so we’ll get at least one good segment each show. Welcome back, MJF. Welcome back.

Why is it a problem that AEW has as many belts as they do, but not a problem for the WWE?

WWE has lots of titles, but they’re generally kept with their brand and part of a structured environment. In AEW, you have Championship titles from AEW, ROH, NJPW, AAA, CMLL, and Lord knows from where else. There is no pattern to what title shows up each week, which one means more, etc. Who can keep track of the various champions? I know I can’t.

Should WWE resign Mark Henry?

To a Legend’s Deal, sure. For anything else, I don’t think so. Mark is doing fine and doesn’t need the WWE right now, nor do they need him. Honor his legacy, but that’s about it.

Table spots are overdone. Is it time to retire them? Yes or no?

Yes, they are extremely overdone. Less is more. It used to be when someone was put through a table, they were out for a month. And now, three table spots and the wrestlers are back up flipping around and doing cartwheels two minutes later. It’s time to cut back on the table spots, use them sparingly, and make them mean something again. As I said earlier, less is more.

Tony Khan wants to introduce Mixed Tag Team Championships into AEW. Thoughts?

AEW had Mixed Tag Team Champions a while back when Sammy Guevera and his wife Tay Melo won the Triple-A Mixed Tag Team titles and wore them for several months. They didn’t mean anything then and wouldn’t mean anything now. AEW doesn’t need more titles. I would say no to this idea.

Ric Flair on Twitter: “A Very Important Person In My Life Reminded Me Yesterday That Twitter Is The Weakest Form Of Communication. I Want To Take This Opportunity To Apologize To Jim Herd, Eric Bischoff, And Vince Russo Because I Don’t Know. I Unfairly Judged You Without Knowing The Inner Workings And Behind The Scenes Of The Business On The Corporate End With People You Had To Report To And Work With. I Wish On A Personal Note That All 3 Of Us Could Have Worked Together And Had Better Relationships! For Vince Calling Me The GOAT, I Appreciate That & You Did Help My Son To Pursue His Dream In Wrestling. I Am Going To Do Eric Bischoff’s Podcast, But It Won’t Be To Bury Anybody. It’s To Discuss Our Differences! The Rock Is Making A Movie On My Life, And I’m In A Great Place! I Hope This Can All Be Put Behind Us!” Thoughts?

So did Ric sober up and make a retraction or did he realize that he doesn’t have 60k to give these three men to meet him in a match or event? I would say, probably a little bit of both. I guess all is good with the world again until the next time Ric pulls a bender. I still can’t wait to hear Dutch Mantell’s take on this whole situation. I don’t think Cornette will say much since he’s friends with Flair, but he hates Russo, Bischoff, and Herd too so who knows? I still don’t think we’ve heard the last of this, but at least it distracts everyone from Flair’s antics at the pizza joint.

Nikkita Lyons or Maryse?

Nikkita is a talented young lady, but Maryse is very underrated and, as her husband would say, awesome. I’d go with Maryse for this one.

And there you go. My thanks for reading. Comments, thoughts, and any questions are welcome and appreciated. Be sure to like, share, and subscribe. And with that, take care, my friends. Watch for the handful of salt and I’ll see you at the matches.


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