Ultimate Wrestling Q&A: Uncle Howdy, Logan Paul, Brother Love & More

Tossing Salt Presents:
Ultimate Wrestling Q&A
Uncle Howdy, Logan Paul, Brother Love & More
Doug Maynard

This is the Ultimate Wrestling Q&A, where you supply the questions and I find the answers. Nothing is off-limits. I’m Doug, your party host and Guiding Light. Are you ready to do this? Let’s roll.

What are your current excitement levels for the return of Uncle Howdy? The return goes down on Monday (apparently).

Optimistic, but not much more than that. I’m anxious to see the return of Uncle Howdy and what kind of chaos he and his group cause, but I’m also thinking that less is more and this is a swerve. We may get three minutes at the end of the show, but I doubt we’ll see more than that. WWE has us hanging on a string and I can’t see them reeling it in with a big reveal just yet.

Who would you rather see face Cody at Wrestle Mania 41?
Roman Reigns or The Rock?

Are those my only options? We’ve had Cody versus Roman for the past two years and to be honest, I don’t care to see The Rock in a singles match. He’s great and all that, but he’s not what he once was and I’d rather see someone else have that spot. If we have to choose one or the other though, let’s go with Roman.

Donald Trump just did an interview with Logan Paul for Paul’s podcast. Thoughts?

I plan on listening to it later this morning. It’s great to see Paul reaching out and expanding his reach, plus it’s great publicity for the WWE. This should be very interesting.

Logan Paul has also allegedly contacted the White House to interview on his podcast with President Biden. Thoughts?

I can’t see Biden capable of handling an hour of a straight-up interview with Logan Paul, but it’s cool that he made the offer. Now the ball is in Biden’s court to accept or not. I would love to see it happen.

Big Van Vader isn’t available. Who is Mick Foley’s greatest rival?

When I think of Foley, I tend to think of The Rock and all of those unprotected chairshots to the head at the hands of The Rock. So that’s my pick. It would be the Rock.

May I ask who are your favorite wrestlers in AEW?

Currently, it would be FTR, Sammy Guevera, Wardlow, Daniel Garcia, and Will Ospreay.

Did WWE Peak with Wrestlemania 40?

It may seem that way to some people, but wrestling is a business of ups and downs and while things have slowed down somewhat since Mania, I expect business to pick up as we head into SummerSlam. Pro wrestling is a roller coaster ride and we’re fixing to ride high again, no doubts.

Would you like to see Bruce Prichard bring back Brother Love?

I think it’d be a nice surprise for maybe a special Anniversary show or perhaps a one-off appearance to pop the crowd. I’d love to see Brother Love show up randomly, maybe with Grayson & Theory, for a one-time spot, but anything more than that? No, not really. Brother Love is nostalgic now and for the most part, should remain so.

The Elite have officially challenged “AEW’s Best” to the Blood & Guts match! Who do you think will be on the babyface side, now that FTR is potentially out?

For my picks as the Babyface team at Blood & Guts, I’d go with Dustin Rhodes, Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley & if he’s able, Adam Copeland. If Edge isn’t available, insert AEW Champion Swerve into the final spot.

Scott D’Amore has a non-compete with TNA/IMPACT through February 2025 per PWInsider. So there is no possibility of AEW or ROH involvement for the foreseeable future. Thoughts?

This sucks for AEW/ROH, but it’s good for D’Amore, as he continues to get paid for the remainder of the year. Tony Khan and AEW need to find an established booker/promoter to help manage AEW and I guess this verifies that D’Amore isn’t the man for now. Is Gabe Sabolsky available? Maybe Tony should talk to Vince Russo again?

And there you go. My thanks for reading. Comments, thoughts, and any questions are welcome and appreciated. Be sure to like, share, and subscribe. And with that, let’s wrap things up for now. Take care and be well, my friends. Watch out for foreign objects and I’ll see you at the matches.


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