Ultimate Wrestling Q&A: Will Ospreay, Gay Vince, Bo Dallas & More

Tossing Salt Presents:
Ultimate Wrestling Q&A
Will Ospreay, Gay Vince, Bo Dallas & More
Doug Maynard

It’s the Ultimate Wrestling Q&A. I’m Doug. Let’s roll.

Harley Race versus Brock Lesnar. Who wins?

In a wrestling ring, I’d have to go with Brock. In a legit fight, I’d go with Harley. Brock would probably beat Harley via fisticuffs, but Harley would probably just shoot him and be done with it before that happened. Never bet against Harley Race.

Cody Rhodes versus Solo Sikoa is the rumored main event for SummerSlam. Yes or no?

That sounds like a good match to help carry the Bloodline story forward. I have nothing against it.

Bobby Eaton w/ Jim Cornette versus Ricochet. Who wins?

Ricochet is an amazing wrestler and I enjoy his work, but Beautiful Bobby and Jim Cornette? One good whack from Corny and the tennis racket from outside the ring and Bobby would fly to get the big win.

Honest thoughts on Will Ospreay?

I like the guy. He’s a good wrestler and has a strong charisma and presence. Is he all that? Nope, not really. He could be used better and presented better, but the current booking sucks. I’d love to see him working in WWE or NXT. He’s got the skills and talent, but he could be used so much better.

If Chris Jericho works a program with the Young Bucks, would that stifle AEW viewership decline as both channel changes would be in the same segment? Or would it cause double the ratings to drop for that single segment?

It wouldn’t help the ratings or prevent the slide. Fans flip the station when the Bucks or Jericho show up on their television screen. It doesn’t matter if they’re together or in separate spots. People are still going to change the channel.

Do you think the intensity level may have been a bit high for the intro of the Sick6? Some of the bodies backstage appeared to be dead, with blood and no visible movement. Also, do you think this group will be moving between shows?

It was very intense and I loved every second of it. Yes, WWE may have overdone it, but it’s memorable and has people talking. I’d count that as a win. I can see some moving in between the shows, but I think, with the Bloodline dominating RAW, the Wyatt Sicks will mostly stick to only one show.

Former MMA fighter Chael Sonnen recently said in an interview that Vince McMahon allegedly made sexual overtures towards several male WWE stars and slept with many of the guys in WWE as well as the Divas. Thoughts?

And this is surprising? Vince was having men kiss his ass on live television. He’s openly, according to Scott Hall & Kevin Nash, told the story of his “first gay experience”. What’s the keyword there? “First.” Vince is a perv and swings both ways. In other news, it’s hot outside and the sky is blue with clouds. No big deal or surprise there.

Should WWE have a Netflix Championship when RAW moves to Netflix?

There are more than enough titles already in WWE. No new titles are needed.

The Miz and R-Truth’s reign as World Tag Team Champions ended at 79 days. How would you rate the run out of 10?

I’ll give it maybe a 5. I’m happy that Miz & Truth had the big moment and title reign, but it was more just there than anything else. They added a run as the tag champions to their resume and had a nice Wrestlemania moment. The titles work better with the Judgment Day and the title switch was the right call in my opinion.

Do you have any thoughts on the Bo Dallas/Uncle Howdy segment on RAW?

It was surreal and creepy and did a great job putting a human face on the Uncle Howdy character, helping to explain things to the casual fans, plus making Bo look like a sympathetic, yet tortured victim. It’s the best promo I’ve ever heard Bo cut and made for some excellent television.

And there you go. My thanks for reading. Comments, thoughts, and any questions are welcome and appreciated. Be sure to like, share, and subscribe. And with that, let’s wrap things up. Take care and be well, my friends. Watch out for The Wyatt Sicks and I’ll see you at the matches.


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