Ultimate Wrestling Q&A: The Public Enemy, Sheamus, Al Snow & More

Tossing Salt Presents:
Ultimate Wrestling Q&A
The Public Enemy, Sheamus, Al Snow & More
Doug Maynard

This is the Ultimate Wrestling Q&A. I’m your Guiding Light, Doug. This is the intro. Let’s roll.

Thoughts on The Public Enemy.

Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge. I remember these guys making a big impact in ECW before moving to the WWF and getting run out of the promotion by The Acolytes. Then it was off to WCW where they did okay, but obviously, the politics and influences of the top WCW talent, as well as poor creative ideas made the run less than stellar. I liked these guys, but WCW didn’t know what to do with them, and apart from ECW, they never really got their just due and the credit they deserved. RIP to Public Enemy. They deserved better.

Dirty Dutch Mantell versus The Sandman. Who wins?

The Kendo Stick and some beer versus Shoe-Baby. What a contrast in styles this would be. Dutch has often commented on his disdain for crazy spots and bad bumps and we wouldn’t see those here. It’d just be a crazy brawl. Sandman should win.

Where does Booker T rank all-time for you?

In terms of ability and matches, he’s a Top-20 dude to me. His personality and character kind of grate on my nerves a bit so for that aspect of his career, maybe not as high a number. I did like the King Booker run though. All hail King Bookah!

Sheamus is usually very active on Twitter and has been dropping hints about his status during his WWE hiatus. Shockingly enough, he has now deactivated his Twitter account all of a sudden. Thoughts on the sudden deactivation?

Only Shemaus knows for sure. This could be a sign that his contract with WWE has expired or is due to expire soon, or it could be a swerve to make everyone question what’s going on, much like we’re doing right here and now. I hope it’s the latter because AEW would just give him the Miro treatment of a short push and then mass confusion and wrestling limbo. Sheamus still has much to offer WWE in my opinion and I’m hoping that’s where he chooses to remain.

Will The Rock betray Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania? Yes or no?

It doesn’t matter if the Rock betrays Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania. But no, I don’t think so. But will Roman turn on and betray The Rock? That might be a different story.

Now that Vince is no longer involved with the WWE, do you think we’ll ever see Owen Hart inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame?

It’s possible, but I doubt it. Martha Hart has an affiliation now with AEW and Tony Khan and so long as that company remains in business, I think she’ll continue her grudge against WWE and do business with them instead.

Al Snow recently remarked, “Someone will die in an AEW ring. I guarantee it!”. Is Snow right? Thoughts?

As scary and sad as it sounds, I do not doubt that Snow is probably 100% correct. Either someone will die or get injured so badly over a crazy spot that they’ll be crippled permanently. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

According to Xero News, Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill, and Naomi are set to team up in a match at WrestleMania. Thoughts?

I hope that’s not the case. Cargill is a star on the rise and needs a big moment. Belair is already a star and deserves a big moment at Mania. Having Naomi involved in any situation with the other two drags down the moment and destroys any sense of that big moment I just spoke of. Any momentum that Naomi had since her return to WWE at the Royal Rumble is already gone and she’s just taking up space more than anything else. Where Cargill and Bianca are concerned, Naomi doesn’t fit in that group or belong.

Randy Savage & The Ultimate Warrior versus Zack Ryder (Matt Cardona) & Mojo Rawley, The Hype Bros. Who wins?

Savage and Warrior wouldn’t be able to get along and would end up fighting each other. The Hype Bros. would sneak in and take advantage to steal the win.

Shelton Benjamin has allegedly been in talks with AEW about some possible appearances. Would you like to see Shelton become All-Elite?

I’d like to see Shelton get a chance to wrestle regularly and get an opportunity to get a major push while making some decent money. If AEW is the place for him to do so, then so be it.

And there you go. My thanks for reading. Comments, thoughts, and any questions are welcome and appreciated. Be sure to like, share, and subscribe. And with that, I’m wrapping things up. Take care and be well, my friends. Watch out for foreign objects and I’ll see you at the matches.


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