Ultimate Wrestling Q&A: The Big Boss Man, Jonny Fairplay, Uncle Dave & More

Tossing Salt Presents:
Ultimate Wrestling Q&A
The Big Boss Man, Jonny Fairplay, Uncle Dave & More
Doug Maynard

It’s the Ultimate Wrestling Q&A. I’m Doug and I’m your resident party-host and Guiding Light. This is how we do it. Let’s roll.

Would The Big Boss Man gimmick work in today’s WWE?

Ray Traylor, the man behind the gimmick, was talented enough that he could probably work anywhere or in any era of pro wrestling. The Big Bossman character though, in today’s oversensitive society, would probably offend too many people and be considered misogynistic, racist, and just too plain mean to get over in today’s WWE. Too many people would complain and cry. It’s a shame, but that’s what our world has become these days. The wrestler himself would get over and have a great career. The gimmick, not so much.

Will Dominik ever win a World Title?

At some point down the line, I think he will. It won’t be for several years though as right now, Dom comes across as a mid-card performer at best while in the ring. The character is incredible, but the in-ring work still is a work in progress. Dom is getting better and better with each match though and I have no doubt, somewhere down the line, he’ll be wearing World Championship gold.

So Uncle Dave says his star ratings aren’t his opinions. They’re based on many things including the crowd reactions. So why then were Hogan Andre and Rock Hogan rated so poorly?

Uncle Dave is an idiot. The star ratings are opinions and opinions only. Anyone who says any different is either an idiot or Meltzer. Or both.

Do you remember a dude named Johnny Fairplay? Thoughts and memories of this guy.

I dimly remember Jonny Fairplay. He was a contestant on the reality series, Survivor, and then made a move to pro wrestling, working for TNA if I remember correctly. He was loud, overbearing, and played the role of obnoxious heel, kind of like an early-day Logan Paul or maybe a wannabe Miz. He also had some kind of incident with Danny Bonaduce from the TV series Partridge Family, but I don’t remember the details of that. I think Fairplay still works occasionally as a manager for various Indies in California.

Ricky Starks has been off AEW TV and claims to have no idea why. He’s not injured. Why do you think AEW has been ignoring Starks?

Starks has been very open about his friendship and relationships with Cody Rhodes and CM Punk. He’s even been backstage at some of Cody’s bigger moments in the WWE. I think AEW knows that when Starks’ contract is over, he’s most likely headed to WWE and they’re just being petty towards him as a result.

Some fans think Becky Lynch does not have the guts to wrestle in AEW. Disagree or Agree?

It has nothing to do with guts. Becky knows that in WWE, the women are trained, there is a solid structure system in place, and the money is good. In WWE, she’s a top star and featured regularly. AEW offers none of that stability. Plus her husband works in WWE as well. Why would anyone want to give all of that up for a veritable land of confusion and chaos? It has nothing at all to do with guts. It’s all about using common sense and doing what’s best for Becky, her family, and her career.

Tony Schiavone OR Michael Cole?

When Tony is good, he’s very good. But for the past few years, it seems as if he’s more just going through the motions than anything else. But then again, look at what he’s trying to sell and promote. Who can blame him? Cole has gotten so much better now that the restraints are off and he’s free to actually call matches and do his job rather than having to listen to Vince screaming in his ear the entire show. It’s almost like he’s been reborn as an announcer and it shows. Two years ago, it would have been Tony, but now, it’s Cole all the way.

Who do you think is the better wrestler, Dustin Rhodes or Cody Rhodes?

Cody is good and getting better all the time, but Dustin has long surpassed Cody and almost everyone else. Dustin had the advantage of growing up wrestling guys like Windham, Steamboat, Arn Anderson, and so many other greats and he learned from every match and encounter, soaking up that knowledge like a sponge. And Dustin learned to be different characters, from The Natural to Goldust and so many others in between. The experience he’s gained, the era he grew up and made his name in, and the in-ring skills and character skills he’s developed along the way, it’s not even close. Dustin, it is, by far.

Samoa Joe versus Rusev. Who wins?

Rusev, now known as Miro, was on top of his game during his time in the WWE, but since moving to AEW, he’s been less than impressive. Samoa Joe? He’s a legit bad-ass. Always has been and always will be. Joe wins.

“Good Ole” Jim Ross OR Jesse “The Body” Ventura?

Jim Ross is the voice of a generation and has consistently been one of the top announcers for the past 30 years. Jesse was a great color commentator, but he’s been out of the business for thirty years and was essentially a one-trick pony. I’d take Jim Ross anytime.

And there you go. My thanks for reading. Comments, thoughts, and any questions are welcome and appreciated. Be sure to like, share, and subscribe. Take care and be well, my friends. Watch out for foreign objects and I’ll see you at the matches.


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