AEW Double or Nothing 2024 PPV: Thoughts & Predictions

Tossing Salt Presents:
AEW Double or Nothing 2024
Thoughts & Predictions
Doug Maynard

AEW Double or Nothing 2024 will be tonight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas. It’s the sixth annual AEW Double or Nothing event and of course, that means it’s Prediction Time. I’m Doug. Let’s do this.

AEW World Championship — Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Christian Cage:

Swerve hasn’t held the title for long, but so far, his reign has taken a backseat to almost everything in AEW. He’s going against Christian and his Family Dynasty of Nick Wayne, Killswitch, and Nick’s Mom. The odds are stacked against Swerve and to be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised or upset if the belt switched hands and Christian emerged as the new AEW Champion. I’d like to see it, but I don’t think anyone else in AEW would agree. Hopefully, this will be the match that elevates Swerve to the next level and puts his title reign at the top of the food chain, where it should be, instead of being treated as an afterthought. Swerve should retain the title.

Winner and STILL AEW World Champion: Swerve Strickland

The Elite (Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry, Matthew Jackson, and Nicholas Jackson) vs. Team AEW (Bryan Danielson, Cash Wheeler, Dax Harwood, and Darby Allin) (Anarchy in the Arena match):

Why are Darby and Danielson even in this match? They’re both still obviously not 100% and should not be wrestling at this point, especially in a main-event level match at a PPV. I guess the question here is will Omega show up and get involved? Will MJF show up and make a big return? Will a new “Free Agent” show up and steal the show? I honestly don’t know. I’m just hoping that Danielson and Darby can make it out of this match without getting more injured. My hopes for this match are not that high. I expect it will be overbooked and border on the absolute ridiculous. Will Darby bring his flamethrower? Oy vey! If the story was being told for the long-term booking, the Elite should win and the story should continue. Since it’s AEW and few stories last more than a month, I guess Tony Khan’s army will win and it will all be forgotten by the next PPV event.

Winners: Team Tony (FTR, Darby Allin, Bryan Danielson).

AEW TBS Championship — Willow Nightingale (c) vs. Mercedes Mone:

This is Mercedes’s first match since signing with AEW and her first match in the ring since she lost to Willow after breaking her ankle while competing for the then-vacant NJPW Strong Women’s Championship a year ago. I don’t think it’s hard to predict who will win. I only hope that the former Sasha Banks isn’t too rusty or bad in the ring. Her promos have been terrible, but hopefully, she’s ready for the in-ring action, and that hasn’t fallen as badly as well. I guess we’ll see.

Winner and NEW AEW TBS Champion: Mercedes Mone

Unified AEW World Trios Championship — Bullet Club Gold (Jay White and Gunn Club) vs. Death Triangle (Pac, Penta El Zero Miedo, and Rey Fenix):

Death Triangle has been plagued by injuries and VISA issues and hasn’t had the chance to be a force in AEW in quite a while, so it’s good to see them back in action. This should be a good match and probably one of the better matches on the show. I don’t see a title switch though. White and the Ass Boyz are popular with the AEW fans even though they’re heels and have some momentum in their favor. I think the titles should stay with the champions.

Winners and STILL Unified AEW World Trios Champions: Bullet Club GOLD (Jay White and the Gunn Club).

FTW Championship — Chris Jericho (c) vs. Hook vs. Katsuyori Shibata (FTW rules match):

By all rights, I expect to see Hook win back his Dad’s title, but there is a catch. Big Bill will be at ringside and since the match is under FTW rules, that means no disqualifications and anything goes. I think that will be the difference-maker here. Look for Jericho to retain the title and remain champion.

Winner and STILL FTW Champion: Chris Jericho.

Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta:

The Best Friends split continues as Superman Orange Cassidy, who can take a piledriver on the steel steps and laugh it off takes on infamous parking lot brawler Trent Beretta. It should be exciting with lots of plunder, no-sells, shenanigans, and who knows what else. I’m sure this will be Jim Cornette’s favorite match of the night. Let’s go with Orange Cassidy for the win. Why? Why not.

Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita (IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator match):

I do hate this whole “Eliminator Match” crap. Either it’s a title match or what is the purpose? The challenger fights the champ and he has to win to wrestle for the title in a rematch. Why not fight another top challenger in a Number One Contender’s match and the winner fights the champ at the PPV? Save this Eliminator nonsense for the TV and at the big shows, the title should be on the line already. Takeshita is good, but he’s not winning this match.

Winner and STILL IWGP World Champion: Jon Moxley.

AEW TNT Championship — Adam Copeland (c) vs. Malakai Black (Barbed Wire Steel Cage match):

So we saw a Bloodbath for Bolack on AEW Dynamite, so does that mean the return of Gangrel and a Brood reunion? Barbed wire steel cage is so Indtreffic and Outlaw Mud Show, I’m almost embarrassed for Copeland to be taking part in this match. For Black too for that matter. Both men deserve better, but I’m sure they’ll do their best and make it work. Look for Copeland to retain the title.

Winner and STILL AEW TNT Champion: Adam Copeland

AEW Women’s World Championship — Toni Storm (c) vs. Serena Deeb:

This will be a good match, but that belt is not changing hands. Storm is one of the positive things about AEW and she’s staying the champ.

Winner and STILL AEW Women’s Champion: Toni Storm.

AEW International Championship — Roderick Strong (c) vs. Will Ospreay:

Will Ospreay win his first piece of AEW gold? So I predict and so it will be. It will be a good match and Strong will look strong, but Ospreay is walking out with the championship.

Winner and NEW International Champion: Will Ospreay

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Thunder Rosa.

A last-minute addition added to the show, most likely for the Kickoff Event. Rosa deserves to win, but I think Purrazzo is the favorite for most of the AEW fans. Purrazzo wins.

And there you go. So what do you think? Am I right? Am I insane? Comments, thoughts, questions, and predictions are welcome and appreciated. Tell me what you think. Also, be sure to like, share, and subscribe. And with that, let’s wrap this up. It’s been a long night and I think a shot of Jack and a movie are in my immediate future. Take care and be well, my friends. Enjoy the PPV and I’ll catch you on the flip side.


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